Google Scripts
Bathroom Log works within a domain. Make a copy of the document to explore. Use it to track the use of the bathroom. Check in and check out by a logged in user. A user cannot check out until the previous user returns. This is a pretty simple code that can be expanded to other uses.
Formative Feedback Menu will need the creation of a Google Sheet to put the feedback in. Each function inserting into the Google Sheet can be added to a menu. Use it to collect based on a formative check-in question mid-class. Adopt the menu to create a game response or even turn it into a web app for button clicking ability.
Shared Calendar Signup attach the function to an onFormSubmit trigger to collect emails from a form and add the user to a calendar as a writer or change it to a reader. It';s a different way to share a calendar.
Random Numbers Generate numbers , one per slide, then randomize them. The randomizing of slides code can be used to randomize any slide deck. Great for reviews.
Undelete Users Pulls the list of Deleted Users form the Google Workspace and provides the ability to undelete one at a time or in bulk using the API.