Classroom Control

Classroom Control gives you spreadsheet control of your Google Classrooms™.

Current Features:

  • Change the Primary Teacher

  • Add Co-Teachers

  • Manage Orphan Classrooms

  • Run functions in sheets to take action or return information

Available on the Google Marketplace

Teachers can use this tool to manage their own classrooms or give other management access of their classrooms.

Google Sheets™ Add-on

  • Start with a Google Sheets™ spreadsheet.

  • Use the Extensions menu to access "Classroom Control."

  • Manage your Google Classroom™ classes from the spreadsheet.

  • Use formulas (see below) in the spreadsheet to create actions to Google Classroom™.

Classroom Control uses http fetching to manage Google Classroom™. Fetching is limited to 100k calls per user per day.
A Super Admin can use this add-on to manage all classrooms while being mindful of the quotas.

Google Sheets Functions

Create a Google Classroom. This function will create a Google Classroom. It's recommended to remove the function after use or it may duplicate classrooms. The title of the classroom and the email of the primary teacher are required. Email can be the teacher email or "me" for yourself. Options can be listed as a JSON string "{'section':'math','room':'102'}". Field can be used to return a single response field. Header is used to return the array of the classroom with the header labels.

=createClassroom(title, email, options, field, header = false)

Sample: =createClassroom("My Class","me", "{'section':'math','room':'102'}", "alternateLink",false)

Update a Google Classroom. This function will update editable fields in Google Classroom. The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom. options is a JSON string of the property to change. Header is used to return the array of the classroom with the header labels.

=updateClassroom(courseid, options, header = false)

Sample: =updateClassroom("3986462", "{'section':'math'}", false)

Archive a Google Classroom. This function will update the courseState in Google Classroom to "ARCHIVED". The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom.


Sample: =archiveClassroom("3986462")

Activate a Google Classroom. This function will update the courseState in Google Classroom to "ACTIVE". The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom.


Sample: =activateClassroom("3986462")

Exchange the primary Teacher in Google Classroom. This function will update the owner of the classroom to a new teacher. It requires the classroom having less that 20 teachers (the current limit) in it. The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom. email is the email of a teacher to make the primary.

=primaryTeacherExchange(courseid, email)

Sample: =primaryTeacherExchange("3986462", "")

List students in a Classroom. This function will list all students in a Google Classroom. The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom. Header is used to return the array of the classroom with the header labels.

=getClassroomStudentsInfo(courseid, header = false)

Sample: =getClassroomStudentsInfo("3986462", false)

List teachers in a Classroom. This function will list all teachers in a Google Classroom. The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom. Header is used to return the array of the classroom with the header labels.

=getClassroomTeachersInfo(courseid, header = false)

Sample: =getClassroomTeachersInfo("3986462", false)

List all Classrooms. This function will list all classroom the authenticated user has access to. Header is used to return the array of the classroom with the header labels.

listClassrooms(header = false)

Sample: =listClassrooms(true)

Get Information on a Google Classroom. This function will get information related to a specific Google Classroom. The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom. Header is used to return the array of the classroom with the header labels.

=getClassroomInfo(courseid, header = false)

Sample: =getClassroomInfo("3986462", false)

Add a student to a Google Classroom. This function will add a student to a Google Classroom. Super Admin users have the ability to directly place students in a classroom while teachers invite students. The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom. The email is the student email or the unique id for the student.

=addStudent(courseid, email)

Sample: =addStudent("3986462", "")

Remove student from a Google Classroom. This function will remove a student from a specific Google Classroom. The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom. The email is the student email or the unique id for the student.

=removeStudent(courseid, email)

Sample: =removeStudent("3986462", "")

Add a teacher to a Google Classroom. This function will add a teacher to a Google Classroom. Super Admin users have the ability to directly place students in a classroom while teachers invite teachers. The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom. The email is the student email or the unique id for the teacher.

=addTeacher(courseid, email)

Sample: =addTeacher("3986462", "")

Remove teacher from a Google Classroom. This function will remove a teacher from a specific Google Classroom. The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom. The email is the student email or the unique id for the teacher.

=removeTeacher(courseid, email)

Sample: =removeTeacher("3986462", "")

Update the primary Teacher in Google Classroom. This function will update the owner of the classroom to a current co-teacher. The courseid is a unique number representing the google Classroom. email is the email of a teacher to make the primary.

=updateOwner(courseid, email)

Sample: =updateOwner("3986462", "")

Get a user from the Domain. This function will get a user associated with the current domain. This will convert most unique user ids to something meaningful. id is the unique id or email for the user.


Sample: =getUser("10207352639471")

Get a Person associated with a directory. This function will get a user associated with Google. This will convert most unique user ids to something meaningful. id is the unique id or email for the user. field is the field or comma separated fields to return. Header is used to return the array of the classroom with the header labels.

=getPerson(id, field, header = false)

Sample: =getPerson("102376487583623","displayName,email", false)

List users from the Domain. This function will list all users associated with the current domain. Header is used to return the array of the classroom with the header labels.

=listUsers(header = false)

Sample: =listUsers(true)

List Guardian invites. This function will return the list of guardian invites for all students or associated with a single student. studentid is the unique student id or email. "-" can be used in place of studentId to return associations for all students. Header is used to return the array of the classroom with the header labels.

=listGuardianInvites(studentId = '-', header = false)

Sample: =listGuardianInvites('-', true)

Invite a Guardian. This function will invite a guardian to be associated with a student. studentid is the unique student id or email. guardianEmail is the email of the guardian to associate to the student.

=inviteGuardian(studentId, guardianEmail)

Sample: =inviteGuardian("","")

List Guardians. This function will return the list of guardians for all students or associated with a single student. studentid is the unique student id or email. "-" can be used in place of studentId to return associations for all students. Header is used to return the array of the classroom with the header labels.

=listGuardians(studentId = '-', header = false)

Sample: =listGuardians('-', true)

Get a Guardian. This function will return a specific guardian association. studentId to return associations for all students. guardianId is the unique id of the guardian. Header is used to return the array of the classroom with the header labels.

=getGuardian(studentId, guardianId, header = false)

Sample: =getGuardian("19803782722","12872983638653", false)

Remove a guardian association. This function removes a guardian association from a student in Google Classroom. studentId to return associations for all students. guardianId is the unique id of the guardian.

=deleteGuardian(studentId, guardianId)

Sample: =deleteGuardian("19803782722","12872983638653")