Slides Timer Create timmers using text placeholders. ie <<0:00+>>, <<5:00->>, <<time>>
Slides Timer is an extension which will automatically bring timers to life when presented slides. Times placed between << and >> will be replaced with a timer.
Use - as the last character to count down from the specified time.
Use + to count up from the specified time.
Use <<time>> to display the current time.
<<5:00->> will count down starting at 5 minutes.
<<2:00+>> will count up starting at 2 minutes
<<time>> will display the current time in AMPM format
<<5:00->> will count down starting at 5 minutes.
<<2:00+>> will count up starting at 2 minutes
<<time>> will display the current time in AMPM format
<<date>> will display numeric dates in / format
<<shortdate>> will display abbreviated word date values
<<longdate>> will display full word date values
<<00:30-->> will advance to the previous slide on countdown
<<00:30-+>> will advance to the next slide on countdown
<<00:30-@>> will trigger inserted audio on countdown
<<00:30-!>> will trigger inserted video on countdown
This extension does not handle user data.