Classroom Assist
I’m appreciative of your interest and support in making this project a success. Classroom Assist came out of my Google Innovator Journey to help educators with efficiency in the classroom. Teachers have enough to do. I wanted to provide a way for teachers to spend more time working with students rather than struggling with technology.
This Google Assistant Action is the result of my exploration on how I can best help. I'm open and looking forward to making changes based on needs in the classroom.
This Action captures email addresses and specific requests made of it. These requests are used to better train the artificial intelligence in the background. If you do not want to provide this information please do not use this tool at this time.
Be sure the account you intend to test on has the Google Assistant installed. If you use the Assistant with your personal account and you intend to test with your Edu account be sure to change accounts using your profile button in the upper right hand corner on the assistant.
The intentions built and are currently intended for screen devices. Some actions may be successful on non-screen devices such as the Google Home Mini.
Admin console settings:
Invoke the Action
Once the action is installed you will invoke it by saying “Talk to Classroom Assist”
Current Intents
The Google Assistant works through Intents. Your voice is turned into text which is run through machine learning to determine your intention. Below is a list of the currently coded actions. The <> indicates options or open variables you can replace with your own intentions.
Create a <doc, slide, sheet>
Create a <doc, slide, sheet> titled <title of the document>
Create a <doc, slide, sheet> titled <title of the document> and share it with <person (last name and first name may be required)>
Open <filename>
Get class <name of classroom class>
Create an assignment for <class name> called <title of assignment> and attach <file> with <permissions>
Create an assignment for <class name> called <title of assignment> with instructions <instructions>
Create an assignment for <class name> called <title of assignment>with instructions <instructions> and attach <file> with <permissions> and <file> with <permissions>
Announce to <class> <announcement>
Tell <class> class to <announcement>
If you previously set your class:
Announce <Announcement>
Create and assignment called <title of assignment> and attach <file> with <permissions>
Create an assignment called <title of assignment> with instructions <instructions>
Create an assignment called <title of assignment>with instructions <instructions> and attach <file> with <permissions> and <file> with <permissions>
Publish Assignment will make a copy of a User created assignment and publish it. The original assignment will be in draft. (Rules of Google Classroom)
Publish the <assignment name> assignment for <class>
Release <assignment name> for <class>
If you are seeing "Google Assistant is blocked on this device" you will need to allow Search and Assistant as well as Web & App activity. You cage see further instructions on Google's support page.
Feedback and Beta
Feedback can be provided in the Feedback Form or via email at
Please also consider joining the Beta test for early access to features.